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CHICKEN Mini Rental: Incubator + eggs + curriculum

CHICKEN Mini Rental: Incubator + eggs + curriculum

Currently not available. Our chickens are taking a break for the winter!


This 3-week incubator rental has what you need to incubate and hatch your chicks at home or in your classroom!

  • 7 fertile chicken eggs (small breed bantam mix)

  • Incubator with automatic egg turner

  • Candler (to see chicks in the egg!)

  • Step-by-step hatching guide with videos

  • Elementary hatching curriculum - see below

  • Phone/text support


Note: This kit does NOT include the brooder box, heat plate, feeder, waterer, feed and bedding that is included in the Complete Kit.


Our comprehensive, 57-page Chicken Hatching Curriculum has five sections:

  • All About Chickens
  • All About Eggs
  • How Chicks Grow
  • How Chicks Hatch
  • Caring for Chicks


Activites include a hatching calendar, paper chain count-down, chicken and egg diagrams, and science experiments with eggs! See sample pages.


Language arts sections include:

  • Talking: discussion questions
  • Reading: fun facts, what's happening this week, chick development
  • Writing: can/have/are and can/have/need pages
  • Vocabulary: words and phrases related to hatching


Also get links to a curated list of outstanding hatching videos and a list of recommended hatching books you can get at the library.

By purchasing this rental, you are agreeing to the policies stated below. Please read them! Note that chicken breed can vary depending on availability.


    We understand that life happens and things change. If you need to reschedule, please notify us at seven (7) days before your scheduled pickup. You can reschedule or transfer your rental to another person at no extra charge. 

    The deadline for cancelling an Order is prior to making payment.   Once your Order is confirmed (pick up date and location agreed and payment received), any cancellation of your Order will be subject to a $75 cancellation fee.

    You are responsible for returning your hatching kit in good working condition by your scheduled date.  Returning your kit on time is really important because we have families/schools waiting their turn to use the kit. If you can’t return your kit at the scheduled time, we can make arrangements (for an additional fee of $100 per week, not prorated) if our scheduling allows. If kit item(s) are returned broken or have damage beyond normal wear and tear, you will be responsible for replacing the item. 

    We take great care to give you a successfulful and memorable hatching experience. However, we are dealing with nature, so not every egg will be fertile, not every egg will hatch, and sometime a chick may die for unkown reasons. In addition, there are other things that could go wrong. You may experience a power outage or someone might accidentally unplug the incubator. Unheated classrooms may get too cold for the incubator to keep up. These are things that are out of our control, so we don't offer refunds. In the event that something does go wrong, please contact us immediately so we can offer guidance and support.

    Read our full terms & conditions here

    Order Policies

    Waiver & Release

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